Harry Turtledove

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Harry Norman Turtledove
Biography and books of the author in Russian: see / Биография и книги автора на русском языке: см. Гарри Тертлдав
(born June 14, 1949) is an American novelist, who has produced works in several genres including alternate history, historical fiction, fantasy, and science fiction.
Turtledove was born in Los Angeles, California, and grew up in nearby Gardena. His paternal grandparents, Romanian immigrants, first settled in Winnipeg, Canada, before making their permanent home on the US West Coast. After dropping out during his freshman year at Caltech, he attended UCLA, where he received a Ph.D. in Byzantine history in 1977[citation needed]. His dissertation was entitled The Immediate Successors of Justinian: A Study of the Persian Problem and of Continuity and Change in Internal Secular Affairs in the Later Roman Empire During the Reigns of Justin II and Tiberius II Constantine (AD 565–582)[citation needed].
In 1979, Turtledove published his first two novels, Wereblood and Werenight, under the pseudonym "Eric G. Iverson." Turtledove later explained that his editor at Belmont Tower did not think people would believe the author's real name was "Turtledove" and came up with something more Nordic. He continued to use the "Iverson" name until 1985, when he published his "Herbig-Haro" and "And So to Bed" under his real name. Another early pseudonym was "Mark Gordian." Turtledove has recently begun publishing historical novels under the pseudonym "H.N. Turteltaub" (Turteltaube means turtle dove in German). He published three books as Dan Chernenko (the Scepter of Mercy series).

Автор на других языках: Гарри Тертлдав [на русском (ru)]  

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