Weapons have no family [Тимур Джафарович Агаев] (fb2) читать постранично

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Тимур Агаев Weapons have no family

Early this morning the Dark Order Shuttle had already entered outer space,

And a voice passed through the corridors, very stern and confident:

"Dark Order soldier identified as wells, please report to Roarke's office"

Wells went sullenly and reluctantly to the senior officer's office. Through the ship's portholes, distant planets, stars, and deep space itself could be seen.

Popok was would in a chair and filled out some paperwork that was on his Desk the whole stacks,

After a couple of minutes of silence he looked at wells and said calmly,

"Tomorrow you will have to go to Mars to find a gang of Smugglers selling rare weapons. Smugglers disguise themselves as fruit merchants, so the task will not be easy.

Wells agreed. He knew that this would be a rather dangerous task, so he called the men into a squad.

After a couple of days, the team was ready, and trained with all the necessary skills.

In the morning of the next day, he gathered his new strength, put on a bulletproof vest, a mask, and a neon cannon that is always cheerful on his wall.

The Shuttle was already approaching Mars, where it landed,

They stepped out of the ship and lined up next to the Shuttle,

And they went to the city of Tansir, where the smugglers were.

They went into a bar, and there were a lot of people in the bar. Tables and chairs were set up near the Windows, and then there was the bartender's table, which served drinks to the guests. Seeing four people wearing hoods,

Four soldiers, including wells himself, had changed into civilian clothes,

We sat down next to each other to eavesdrop on their conversation:

– When will the weapon reach Venus?"

– He's already close to Earth

– How much will they pay us?"

– They gave the sum of 500 neurons

Wells took out his camera.

– That's them. – Wells.

– Be patient, wells. – Popok. – Move the mouse cursor over the camera on their faces!

Wells looked at their faces, then froze…



Wells! Run!"

– Dad.....

–They won't find you!"

– Here you go!" This will come in handy for you!

A father Gives a V45 pistol to his son.


"No," I said.

– Turn around!" Let's go! Faster! – Time Ash Soldier.


These were the very soldiers of Time Ash!

Wells took a rash step, loaded the gun, and aimed it at one of them. By shooting! The carnage has begun! The police of Tansir quickly came to the sound!

And a few minutes later, wells was at the police station.

– Let me go!" I am a soldier of the Dark Army! – Wells.

Tell me your last name!" "the chief hit wells with a Taser.

– I'm Wells.

– And your last name and patronymic?" – chief.

– I don't know them, they don't exist. – Wells.

– Don't bother me, even animals and slaves have families. – chief.

"I don't have a family…"

"Don't talk nonsense! We found you injured in a bar, and you're definitely not a soldier by your clothes! Why did you start all this fuss? – chief.

"Show me one of them!" – Wells.

– Not allowed!" I asked why you started all this fuss."! – chief.

– They took all my family away on their ships when I was a child… In childhood… Show them to me!" I beg you! – Wells.

– Not allowed!" Calm down, sir—"

Wells was dragged into the courtroom, and the judge was already sitting back in his chair, glaring at wells and saying: "For the commotion, you, wells, have been assigned to a maximum-security cell, for a period of 5 years! And you, Marin, and your gang, who have been smuggling for more than 35 years, as well as participating in the Time Ash cleanup, are locked up in a maximum security cell for 40 years!

We were put in separate cells, the cells were damp, gray walls, a rock-hard bed, a small light bulb from which a small ray of light radiated, and a bowl of food and water that looked more like toilet refuse. There was food and drink during the day, sleep at night, and General charges in the morning, and at one of these General charges wells noticed that one of the Time Ash companies had a package thrown over the fence…

He followed the man:

– Well, well, well…

– A pistol, a Taser, a file…

"Food!" I haven't seen normal food in a long time!

Why does he need all this? Perhaps that is not to escape!

He is very naive if he thinks that he will run away from here without any hesitation. The surveillance continued, this person gathered everyone from Time Ash, and they began to think of a plan to escape.

Late in the evening, he knocked out the guards with a Taser, and began sawing the bars of the cell with a file. After the bars were already on the ground, he began to release his companions.

"Hey, I can help you, I have everything, money, connections, let me out. – Wells.

– Well, then, you'll come in handy, too. – accomplice of Time Ash.

We went to the alley where the cleaning machines usually collected garbage, and after waiting for the cleaning car to pass, they climbed the fence and jumped into a huge pile of garbage in the trash can, which should have been in the garbage compartment in the car any minute now.

Wells very quietly climbed into the trash can, and after 13 minutes, a cleaning machine took him out. We were in the garbage Bay.

Wells quickly pulled out a Taser, knocked out the gang members, and threw them out of the car, except for one, whom he decided to question.

After sneaking into the Department with the driver and knocking out the driver of the car-cleaner, he got behind the wheel of the car.

The accused, who was left for questioning, woke up, wells stopped the car, then asked the accused:

– Do you know who I am?" – Wells.

I don't have to tell you anything! the accused looked menacingly at wells and shouted.

Wrong answer. Wells kicked the defendant in the stomach.

– What do you want from me?" – accused.

– I asked!" Do you remember me? – Wells.

– This is the first time I've seen you, crazy!" – accused.

– I don't know you." – Wells.

"Don't talk nonsense! That's what they told you when you were questioned by the Chief! – accused.

– So you do remember me." – Wells.

"All right. All right! What do you want? Money? A ship? Weapons? When I'm free, I have everything! Tell me what you want." – accused.

– I want to see my family!" – Wells.

– What?" – accused.

– When I was a child, Time Ash, my family was taken away from me, I want it back! – Wells.

– Good… good… I know a man who is a mechanic, and he owns a machine that can move you through time, and you will save your family, and you will be transported to the reality where your family is alive! – accused.

– Who is this man?" – Wells.

"John Marcus." – accused.

– Take me to him!" – Wells.

– All right, but it's not too far, so we're going South to the Sand City." – accused.

– Set off. – Wells.

Wells tied the hands of the Condemned man. When wells stopped at the nearest gas station, he demanded fuel, but since they didn't have any money, he exchanged all that junk in his Luggage for a couple of liters of fuel, a couple of cans of fish, and a small bottle of water. The Mars radio Line began broadcasting the escape of the convict and wells, and a bounty of 1,100 neurons was given for the capture of these fugitives!

The two men standing at the gas station recognized the two, and one of them brought a gun, the other prepared to say: "Mister, please leave your vehicle, and we will negotiate with you as civilized people…"

Wells got out and immediately noticed the gun in the hands of one of them. a gunfight ensued, and wells ducked and backed up to the car, hiding behind it.

He took out a stun gun, and the one in the car had only one round.

After a few shots were fired, and the road and village police came to the sound, wells rushed into the car, stealing canned food and water, and pressed down on the gas with all his might! The car skidded, and the wheels were shot through.

Wells and the convict got out of the car, and shooting at the police went to the desert, taking with them only the most important!

The condemned man was wounded, but wells took him on his shoulder and dragged him away. It is only 50 kilometers away from the "city of Sand".

After a while they came to the"city of Sand"…

All the houses in this town were built of Sandstone, and the roads were of the purest sand. The convict said that John Marcus lived in a cave on the outskirts of the town. When he reached that spot, the convict went up to wells and yanked the gun out of his pocket, saying: "You naive Welles, do you think